1. | [i][t] (在草地上)吃青草to eat grass that is growing in a field |
There were cows grazing beside the river. 有些牛在河边吃青草。 | |
The horses were grazing on the lush grass. 马群正在啃食茂盛的青草。 | |
The field had been grazed by sheep. 这块地羊已经啃过了。 |
2. | [t] ~ sth 放牧;放牛;放羊to put cows, sheep, etc. in a field so that they can eat the grass there |
The land is used by local people to graze their animals. 这块地当地人用来放牧。 |
3. | [i] (informal) ~ (on sth) 吃零食(代替正餐)to eat small amounts of food many times during the day, often while doing other things, instead of eating three meals |
I have this really bad habit of grazing on junk food. 我有个特别不好的习惯,就是吃垃圾食品。 |
4. | [t] ~ sth (on sth) 擦伤,擦破(皮肤)to break the surface of your skin by rubbing it against sth rough |
I fell and grazed my knee. 我摔了一跤擦伤了膝盖。 |
5. | [t] ~ sth (经过时)轻擦,轻触,蹭to touch sth lightly while passing it |
The bullet grazed his cheek. 子弹从他的脸颊擦过。 |