Akshay Kumar's film Bhoot Bangla went on floors on January 6, 2025. The shooting is taking place at the same location as the original Bhool Bhulaiyaa. Could this be hinting at something?
After a prolonged break, Akshay Kumar and Priyadarshan are set to reunite for their forthcoming Bhoot Bangla project, slated for release in 2026. Fans are thrilled and eager to see Akshay return ...
Bollywood star Akshay Kumar on Monday shared that he is excited to be on set with his favourite director Priyadarshan as he started shooting for his next "Bhoot Bangla," which he revealed is set ...
It seems that Akshay Kumar’s Bhooth Bangla is turning out to be a promising and much-awaited project! The reunion of him with director Priyadarshan after more than a decade, along with Tabu ...
Akshay Kumar and renowned director Priyadarshan are back together for their highly anticipated film, Bhooth Bangla, as they begin shooting the next schedule in Jaipur tomorrow.