Not as clumsy or random as a streamer, an elegant player for a more civilized age Opinion Yup, I called that one wrong.
The owners of WinAmp have just deleted their entire repo one month after uploading the source code to GitHub. Lots of source ...
Winamp released its source code with a license that drew a lot of attention. That’s when other apps’ code was found inside.
The Llama Group takes down its Winamp GitHub repository after less than a month amid concerns that it doesn't own all of the ...
As badly as the later development of WinAmp itself, really The owners of WinAmp have just deleted their entire repo one month ...
A few days ago the source code for the popular Winamp music player was released into the world, with as we reported at the time, a licence that left a lot to be desired. Since then it seems some ...
By opening up the source code, the owners wanted to breathe new life into the Winamp player. Now they have deleted the ...
整理 | 郑丽媛出品 | CSDN(ID:CSDNnews)上个月 24 日,经典媒体播放器 Winamp 在 GitHub 上发布了其源代码,并号召全球开发者为这个标志性软件进行贡献和改进。然而,不到一个月的时间,Winamp 的这个 GitHub ...
近日,经典音乐播放器Winamp在开源不到一个月后,竟然被其开发商Nullsoft删除了在GitHub上的源代码库,令人感到意外。Winamp自2000年代作为Windows平台的热门音乐播放器,曾吸引了数千万的忠实用户,其丰富的功能和灵活性使其在当 ...
Winamp发布“遗产播放器”源代码不到一个月就删除,引发开源社区不满,源代码泄露其他软件问题频发。 Winamp最近经历了一场尴尬的源代码风波。9月24日,Winamp的比利时母公司Llama Group发布了“遗产播放器”的源代码,邀请开发者们贡献智慧和创意,帮助这个经典软件继续发展。 然而,不到一个月后,这个代码仓库就被完全删除了。原因可能是触犯了不同代码许可协议,甚至疑似泄露了其他非开源软 ...
在数字音乐盛行的今日,经典音乐播放器Winamp的突然变动引发了广泛关注。自9月24日宣布在GitHub上开源以来,这款曾在2000年代风靡一时的音乐播放器曾被寄予厚望,期待能够通过社区力量焕发第二春。然而,仅仅不到一个月的时间,原本乐观的前景就遭遇了重大挫折,开发商Nullsoft已将其GitHub库删除,页面显示为404。这一举动不仅让开发者和用户感到失望,也引出了诸多质疑,关于开源理念的真正 ...