编译 / 手游那点事 泽塔近日,英国老牌移动游戏行业媒体(Pocketgamer.biz)公布了《2024年50大手游厂商榜》,对过去一年在全球市场表现出色的前50家手游厂商进行了盘点。在这份榜单中,“大富翁”IP衍生手游《Monopoly ...
《三国大作战》 美国Google Play免费榜单中,集合了多种益智小游戏的《Mini Games: Calm & Relax》空降榜首,来自SUPERBOX Inc的两款类似的三消游戏《Jewel Blast : Temple》和《Jewel ...
= (It is) needless to say (that) …. = It is obvious that …. 例:It goes without saying that it pays off to keep early hours. 不用说早睡早起是值得的。 例︰Among various kinds of sports, I like jogging in particular. 在 ...
最后的告别…… 今天,女朋友和我分手了。她来最后见我一次。我们相拥而泣了几分钟,场面十分感人。在她走后,我发现放在旁边桌子上的钱包不翼而飞了。FML Today, my girlfriend broke up with me. She came over to see me one last time. We hugged for minutes and cried; it was a ...
中俄元首外交为深化两国全方位合作起到了引领定航的作用,也为壮大全球南方力量,共同推动全球治理体系改革提供了新 ...
China claimed two gold, four silver and two bronze medals at the World Aquatics Swimming World Cup in Shanghai on Friday.
The most exciting boxing party in Shanghai, featuring 24 bouts ranging from beginners to experiencd amateurs, to ex WBC Champions. There will also be a DJ, lucky draw, refreshments and beer! Scan the ...