Let’s begin. The Gaelic for big or large is mòr. Mòr. And I’m sure you’ll recognise the next one. The Gaelic for small or little? Beag! Beag air Bheag, which means little by little.
In the November issue of The Great Outdoors I review eight head torches and the Paramo Alta Trek trousers. Also in the gear ...
Rathlin’s call of the wild and why we need to protect nature’s giftsOpens in new window This smallish white heron, éigrit bheag, with its long black legs, yellow feet, and attractive plumes ...
Cuir mun cuairt. Tha mi a’ cur an tì agam mun cuairt le spàin-bheag. Spàin-bheag – a teaspoon; literally, little spoon. Spàin-bheag. Teaspoon. Spàin-bheag. Siud an tì agam deiseil - that ...