Der Geistliche ist neuer Leiter der Pfarrgemeinde Egling. Er spricht über die Religion in Indonesien und die bayerische ...
就在我几乎要习惯这种单调与孤独的时候,Bimo,这个社交平台出现在我眼前了,以一种不经意间的方式,悄然走进了我的世界。起初,我只是抱着试试看的 ...
我渴望有一个地方,能让我卸下防备,倾诉内心的疲惫与迷茫。直到邂逅了Bimo——这款高端社交APP,它如同一束光,照亮了我内心的幽暗角落。 她 ...
"From generation to generation the sultan who reigns over Yogyakarta seems to adapt himself to the changing of times," says Wedono Bimo Guritno quietly as he ushers me through the elaborate palace ...
Evelyn has a boyfriend, Bimo, who has a hobby of horror. In fact, he has a strange community on campus, a demon search community. Bimo is accompanied by Angeline and Roy in the community.