每当昏昏欲睡时,喝一杯咖啡提神醒脑,是大多数咖啡爱好者的选择。 咖啡除了能提神醒脑,还被证实拥有多种功效: 可以降低多种癌症发病风险、抑制肿瘤生长、降低阿尔兹海默病和帕金森疾病的患病风险、降低心血管疾病风险、降低患胆结石的风险、降低全因死亡风险等。
A team led by Jyotish Kumar, a doctoral student in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, and overseen by Mahesh Narayan, PhD, a professor and Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry in the ...
Shiso-zuke umeboshi, a traditional Japanese apricot pickle made with salted red perilla leaves, is known for its ...
Everyone must have heard the name Tukh Malanga which is also called Tukh Balanga in Pakistan In English it is known as basil ...
There are a number of reasons why lips dry out. Chief among them is that they're located within reach of the tongue; in other ...
A number of essential minerals like magnesium, iron, copper and phosphorus are present in beetroot which help to regulate ...