Intel's products in China were identified as posing several risks, including frequent security vulnerabilities, poor ...
尽管对偏头痛的正确认知尚未普及,但在中国,患者数量却在显著增多。根据 Global Burden of Disease 数据的估计,中国偏头痛的患病人数从1990年的1.33亿涨到2021年的1.85亿,三十年间的患病率也由11.67% ...
没错,在不干净的健身房随地大小练,确实可能感染 HPV。这是因为在健身房的地面上,很可能隐匿着 HPV 病毒,而如果我们经常赤脚在健身房的地面上走路,足底的微小伤口、破损或者薄弱点就可能被 HPV 病毒乘虚而入,形成跖疣。
Over the past three weeks, China has taken a significant step in macroeconomic regulation. During this period, Politburo and State Council executive meetings were held, along with three press ...
苏州,积极融入全球创新网络,坚持培育创新文化,大力弘扬科学家精神,率先提出打造国家级、国际性科学公园的理念和构想,以风景秀丽的虎丘湿地公园为实施主体,打造环球科学公园(筹)。9月26日,苏州环球科学公园(筹)概念策划与规划设计国际竞赛正式启动。Suz ...
????为解决这一问题,中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所王秀杰研究组开发了重复序列扩增相关疾病的数据库DRED (。该数据库涵盖了 PubMed 和 OMIM ...
In 2018, Chery officially launched its intelligent brand strategy—CHERY LION. In March 2019, Chery upgraded its intelligent ...
On October 14th, Guangdong announced 20 initiatives to seize the strategic opportunities in commercial space development. By ...
Since the establishment of diplomatic ties 75 years ago, the two countries have always adhered to the direction of good neighborliness and friendship, and continuously deepened mutually beneficial ...
2024 年 5 月 22 日,美国众议院以 279 比 136 的结果高票通过了《21 世纪金融创新与科技法案》(the Financial Innovation and Technology for the 21st Century ...
在全球计算机技术迅猛发展的背景下,技嘉科技(GIGABYTE)于10月9日举行了在线发布会,正式推出其最新的AI TOP地端全方位解决方案以及Intel Z890与AMD ...
马来西亚作为东方日升海外产能的重要战略布局点,其可再生能源装机容量已达到8.892GW,未来光伏装机总潜力更是高达269GW。马来政府也计划在未来几年内引进大规模的公用事业规模电池储能系统,以支持太阳能发电。这一趋势无疑为东方日升在光储领域的发展提供 ...