Symptoms can range from mild to severe ... Other illnesses can be similar to pneumonia coughs, such as croup and whooping cough. Croup is an illness with a barking cough that mainly affects ...
They saw a slight decrease in strep throat cases but an increase in croup ... nasal drainage and the cough can slowly taper over seven to 10 days after the other cold symptoms resolve.
In Alabama, for example, one doctor said most of his patients under 2 are presenting with croup-like symptoms. "Toddlers have this raspy and barky cough that we're not seeing with the other variants.
Intramuscular dexamethasone ameliorates croup ... with barking cough, stridor, expiratory sounds, sleep pattern, degree of improvement, or complete resolution of symptoms. For any parent who ...
Parents - you know it's called *Croup* - and it causes a bad cough for young children. Our team spoke to two Triad parents who share their experience. "It, it's hard to see him down and out the ...