Steam turbines have helped drive a large chunk of our technological development over the last century or so, and they’ll always make for interesting DIY. [Hyperspace Pirate] built a small ...
Wind turbines are necessary for ensuring society’s sustainable future, but they still have a recycling problem.
The Georgetown Steam Plant used to generate power for Seattle's trolley system. Now, it's serving as a source of inspiration ...
In 1884, marine engineer Charles Parson used coal to power his groundbreaking invention, the multi-stage steam turbine, to ...
Now activists say Exxon Knew for years that very little plastic waste is actually recycled. The oil giant is deceiving ...
The last of two low pressure rotors has been installed in the turbine building of unit 1 at the Akkuyu NPP under construction ...
Technology company Techouse has teamed up with several energy companies, including TotalEnergies and Equinor, to develop and ...
A multidisciplinary research group has formulated new protective coatings to allow turbine engines to run hotter -- with potential dividends for the environment and people.
Here and there, in small demonstration projects, engineers are exploring technologies that could turn coal into power without these environmental costs. Yet unless utilities start building such plants ...
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and the Michigan Economic Development Corporation have announced business investment and community ...
NREL Advances Method for Recyclable Wind Turbine Blades Aug. 27 ... China will have to build eight to 10 times more wind and solar power installations than existed in 2022, according to a new ...