The MCP23017, a 16-bit I2C GPIO expander, has always been a tasty chip. With 16 GPIOs addressable over I2C, proper push/pull outputs, software-enabled pull-ups, eight addresses, maskable ...
If you're trying to get a PEX pipe plugged into an uncooperative fitting, a PEX expander tool from a hardware brand like Milwaukee will help you to make the connection. Under its ProPEX line of ...
5,6 in 1960 and 1963, have cast doubt on the previously assumed efficiency of plasma as a volume expander. In view of the widespread use of stored, pooled human plasma for emergency volume support ...
The ACTpro 200 is a two-door expander for use with the ACTpro 2000 and ACTpro 3000 Door Controllers. With a built-in, monitored 3 Amp power supply, the ACTpro 200 is designed to support two doors.