2020 年第七次全国人口普查数据显示,中国有 11.9 万名百岁老人,超越美国成为世界上百岁老人最多的国家。研究发现,2020 年,全国每 10 万人中就有 8.43 个百岁老人。高于这个平均水平的 13 个省份中,东部地区占 5 个,东北地区占 ...
日本总务省公布的最新数据显示:截至9月15日,日本65岁以上老年人口已达3625万人,占总人口29.3%。另有数据显示,日本70岁以上的男性和女性中,26.4% 和19.6% 患有糖尿病。
阿尔伯特·“斯基普”·里佐是一位临床心理学家、哲学博士。在一年一度的斯蒂芬·A·利斯曼(Stephen A. Lisman)临床心理学年度讲座上,里佐博士以美国南加州大学(University of Southern ...
英国一项最新研究显示,儘管医学进步和健康知识的普及,婴儿潮世代(生于1946至1964年)与前几代相比寿命更长,但健康状况却显着恶化。研究结果表明,50和60多岁的人群比二战前或二战期间(1936至1945年)出生的同龄 ...
This resource provides a brief introduction to writing in the field of Social Gerontology through the lens of threshold concepts. It includes: An overview of what writing characteristics are valued in ...
Welcome to the website of the Department of Sociology and Gerontology at Miami University. We offer a variety of academic programs at the undergraduate and graduate level in criminology, gerontology, ...
现代社会节奏紧凑,许多人忽视了睡眠的重要性。然而,越来越多的科学证据表明,睡眠不足不仅会影响我们的日常表现,还可能引发严重的炎症反应,进而影响整个身体的健康,甚至加速衰老。近期,美国顶尖科学期刊《Cell》发表的一项研究进一步揭示了睡眠 ...
The Brown University School of Public Health recently received a $3.8 million grant from the National Institute on Aging to ...
Julia Lau
Julia Lau is a senior fellow and co-coordinator of the Indonesia Studies Programme, and Editor, Fulcrum at ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute. Her research interests include Indonesia’s foreign policy, ...
The Section of Translational Gerontology conducts research to rapidly advance the field of aging science and improve the health and quality of life of the citizens of Birmingham and beyond. The ...
Students pursuing the gerontology post-baccalaureate certificate at Saint Louis University will learn to work as part of an interdisciplinary or care coordination team. With the passage of the ...
$1,939 per credit (full-time) TUITION AND FEES (DNP) $1,939 per credit (part-time) TUITION AND FEES (DNP) ...