“得了强直性脊柱炎会影响寿命吗?”“如果强直发展到晚期,还能活多久?”……这些问题常常困扰着许多强直性脊柱炎(AS)患者和他们的家属。的确,作为一种慢性自身免疫疾病,强直性脊柱炎可能影响生活质量,甚至在某些情况下影响寿命。不过,别慌张,接下来我将详细 ...
It’s not exactly clear, but many people with the condition have a gene called HLA-B27. One theory is that when people with this gene are exposed to a trigger—like a particular virus or bacteria—axSpA ...
We think this is a highly genetic-driven disease, with the primary gene involved at this time, we know is HLA-B27. HLA-B27 codes for a protein that is on the surface of inflammation, blood cells.
Features linking this group of diseases include association with HLA-B27, peripheral arthritis that is typically asymmetric and lower limb predominant, and possibly include sacroiliitis ...
强直性脊柱炎(Ankylosing Spondylitis, ...
强直性脊柱炎(AS)是一种慢性炎症性疾病,通常影响脊柱和关节。它的病变会导致脊柱逐渐强直,严重时可影响生活质量,甚至致残。虽然听起来有些陌生,但它对许多人的生活产生了巨大影响。那么,强直性脊柱炎究竟是怎么引起的呢?本文将深入探讨其病因及预防措施。01 ...
The major histocompatibility complex (MHC), or Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) complex, is essential for immunorecognition, organ and stem cell transplantation, and disease association, including ...
导言在快节奏的现代生活中,年轻人面临的工作和生活压力空前巨大。长时间熬夜、伏案工作、频繁使用电子产品已经成为许多人的日常。这些行为习惯对我们的视力有着不容忽视的负面影响。特别是对于强直性脊柱炎(AS)患者,这样的生活方式可能会加重他们的病情,尤其是影 ...
Arthritis, often thought to be an ailment of the elderly, is an autoimmune disease prevalent across all ages, particularly in ...
Today will be a mostly dry day with plenty of sunny spells and patches of cloud bubbling up at times. There may be the odd scattered shower, though. Light, calm winds for all. Tonight Tonight will ...