Interactive learning materials are interactive resources designed to teach a specific learning outcome. They may comprise of a single or multiple pages that can contain any combination of text, images ...
For many classes, all required materials may be available on Canvas. Check your course Canvas page to ensure you understand what materials are required. Northwestern recommends ordering course ...
The course also explores fracture at high temperatures and crack nucleation processes. Concepts of solid-state physics and inorganic chemistry relevant to the study of minerals and materials. The ...
An excellent case study is the growth of material science at Nankai University, one of China’s most prestigious. Built on its strengths in chemistry and physics, Nankai formally established a ...
While mechanical meta-materials have been studied for a while now, especially auxetic mechanical metamaterials, special combinations of metamaterials are rarely explored. This study highlights the ...
Whether you wish to advance your professional and technical education or pursue cutting-edge research, the Department of Materials Science and Engineering can help you achieve your goal. Master of ...
However, it is suitable also for graduates from other engineering and science backgrounds who wish to specialise in materials engineering. The course is delivered through a mix of lecturing, blended ...
You must complete all required fields and upload materials ... HiSET exam results; individual homeschool transcripts with date of completion; and certificates of completion recognized by local ...
Note: You may upload several images or process materials ... HiSET exam results; individual homeschool transcripts with date of completion; and certificates of completion recognized by local ...
Alumni have become leaders in academia by continuing on to doctoral studies, while others move into industry, professional organizations, and entrepreneurial ventures. Request a customized program ...
Materials Advances published a number of themed collections every year on timely and important topics, guest edited by members of the materials science community. Previous themed collections are ...