Pho is the national dish of Vietnam and most people's first introduction to Vietnamese food. It’s not the end-all-be-all, in my opinion, but I understand why people love it: the steaming, salty ...
The best pho is made with lean cuts of beef, chicken, shrimp, or tofu. The ingredients vary depending on who's making the dish, but one thing always remains the same: Pho is always a noodle soup ...
: Pho is a traditional Vietnamese soup, originally from North Vietnam and inspired by the French word feu (fire). Known for its aromatic broth, it features rice noodles and is typically served with ...
Pho gai - chicken noodle soup - is easier. This recipe was developed by food stylist Vivian Herijanto. Be sure to use a fresh chicken - frozen birds have an insipid flavour and flaccid texture.