The odds ratio for exposure to L-dopa in the IPD patients with PN was 12.4 (95% confidence interval, 1.4–109.1). There were no differences between the groups in the use of other PD drugs ...
We examined the effect of L-DOPA in the dose used for GH stimulation on the LH,FSH and Pr levels in 9 subjects with Turner syndrome, who had never received estrogens. We found the following (mean ...
Previous studies in a rat model of Parkinson disease (PD) have shown that dyskinesia induced by L-DOPA—a treatment-limiting adverse effect of long-term administration—is caused by the release ...
La L-dopa ou lévadopa, est un précurseur direct de la dopamine. Cet acide aminé, qui passe la barrière hémato-encéphalique, est transformé au niveau cérébral en dopamine, venant compenser le déficit ...