“脆皮”蚯蚓为什么要“自寻死路”? 明明暗处才是蚯蚓们的乐土,那它们主动钻出来,是在自寻死路吗? 答案是否定的,蚯蚓主动钻出有以下3个主要原因:寻找资源,繁殖活动和逃离不利环境。 寻找资源:当蚯蚓赖以生存的某个区域因为种群数量过多、生存资源变少等原因 ...
The species of nightcrawler in the north-central region is Lumbricus terrestris. The length of adult nightcrawlers is usually 4 to 8 inches or more. Figure 1. The shallow-dwelling worms (known as ...
THE series of notes and directions issued under this title by Mr. Brooks, of the Johns Hopkins Univer sity, Baltimore, is an interesting evidence of the progress which the practical study of ...
There are several species of earthworms, each contributing differently to soil health. For example, the common earthworm (Lumbricus terrestris), is known for its deep burrowing habits, which help in ...