I first heard the rule of thumb, "the solution to pollution is dilution," during my surgical training when, during an abdominal surgery, the contents of the bowel, small or large, accidentally spilled ...
Doctors at Baylor College of Medicine say that is a good time to try preventative measures, such as nasal irrigation, to lessen the symptoms or prevent the infection from worsening. Nasal irrigation ...
A neti pot is a container, typically made of ceramic, plastic, or metal, designed for nasal irrigation. It is used to flush out mucus and debris from the nasal passages through the nostrils. There are ...
If you want to run easier, faster and longer, you might be wondering about switching to nasal breathing ... there are huge benefits to keeping your heart rate lower and keeping yourself at ...
This state-of-the-art device combines powered rinse and suction with customizable pressure control, offering effective relief from nasal and sinus congestion associated with various conditions.