根据美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)报道,4位知情人士表示,特朗普正在考虑宣布国家经济紧急状态,以便为对盟友和对手征收大量普遍关税提供的法律依据,因为特朗普寻求在他的第二个任期内重置全球贸易平衡。 特朗普将利用《国际经济紧急权力法案》(International Economic Emergency Powers,EEPA)制定新的关税计划,该法案单方面授权总统在国家紧急状态期间管理进口。
China released the results of its fifth national economic census on December 26, showing that the country's economy has had a ...
BEIJING, Jan. 7 (Xinhua) -- China's top economic planner, the National Development and Reform Commission, on Tuesday released a guideline for building a unified national market.
From a global perspective, China’s effort to build a unified national market is not about closing its doors and operating in isolation, but openly embracing global opportunities. This approach would ...
A senior National Development and Reform Commission official, Yuan Da, told a press conference that China's economy will face ...