若某事情 moves the needle,意即它会为一个形势,例如选举,带来巨大的改变。在最近那几次选举之中,也出现过几个10月惊奇(October ...
On October 20, a special blind football experience was held at Beijing Blind School, where both sighted and visually impaired ...
A man surnamed Su, who arranged a transaction to sell a 13-day boy in Wuxi, east China's Jiangsu Province, has been arrested, ...
10月20日,第一届全国全民健身大赛(华中区湖南省)2024中国户外健身休闲大会(汝城站)系列活动“重走长征路”在汝城县延寿瑶族乡举行。此次活动全程约28公里,来自省内外的徒步爱好者400余人,沿着当年红军长征在汝城的行军路线,从“一张借据”故事发生 ...
安徽桐城,以“文都”著称。在桐城闹市区,有一条百米长、两米宽的巷子,青砖黛瓦,古木参天,它就是六尺巷。据史料记载,清朝康熙年间,文华殿大学士兼礼部尚书张英在桐城的家人与邻居吴家发生宅基地纠纷,两家互不相让。张家人写信向张英求助,张英回诗一首,寥寥数语 ...
More than 20 Chinese listed companies on Sunday announced that they have signed agreements with financial institutions or ...
Are you ready to experience the wildest Halloween bash Guangzhou has ever seen? After hosting Shanghai’s biggest Halloween ...
The 42nd Kaifeng Chrysanthemum Cultural Festival attracted a large number of journalists from nearly a hundred media outlets ...
Spooky music. Spine-chilling decor. Creepy drinks. And awesome prizes on offer for the best dressed. It’s that time of the ...
Children play in the ancient city of Kashgar, Northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, Feb 5, 2024. [Photo/Xinhua] ...
On the evening of October 12th, the Beijing Tianqiao Performing Arts Center was packed for the performance of the refreshed ...