10月31日就是万圣节,各大业者看准商机,纷纷祭出相关产品吸客,时常恶搞比萨的必胜客再度推出新作「鬼手鱿鱼捣蛋比萨」,使用鱿鱼鬚、皮蛋、猪血糕及辣蕃茄麻糬饼皮等食材制成。新品曝光引发热议,网友笑说「义大利人快气疯了!」 ...
On Oct. 16, the chain announced the introduction of a dining concept: the Personal Pan Pizza Hut. For a limited time, pizza ...
Pizza Hut’s unveiling a new restaurant — but there’s a catch: There is only one location and it will only be open for two ...
Pizza Hut is opening a brand-new restaurant in New York City just for you — but it’ll only be open for two days and you still ...
Pizza lovers rejoice! Pizza Hut is opening a unique limited-time restaurant for two days, exclusively in Queens. The Personal ...
The one-person restaurants inspired by Pizza Hut sit-down versions of yesteryear are popping up in New York this month ...
【导语】:10月8日-12日,堂食、自助点餐(扫码点餐+预点餐+外带自取)及必胜客宅急送官方网络订餐渠道可参与69元2个披萨活动。 温馨 ...
Pizza Hut celebrates National Pizza Month by announcing the Personal Pan Pizza Hut. Inspired by its iconic Personal Pan Pizza ...
Pizza Hut, a unit of Yum! Brands, Inc., has unveiled the personalized Personal Pan Pizza Hut, a new restaurant experience exclusively ...
【导语】:69元2个披萨的活动中的披萨是普装,在10寸左右的样子,一共分成6片,建议2-3人食用。 必胜客69元2个披萨多大 69元2个披萨的活动中的 ...
(南密尔沃基8日综合电)美国威斯康辛州2月发生一起离谱事件,一名必胜客(Pizza ...
“你回来了!”万圣节前夕,必胜客以人气卡通“蜡笔小新”经典台词宣告新一季的主题联名活动上线。必胜客携手人气卡通形象蜡笔小新,不仅带来2款专属联名套餐,还有4款以小新形象设计的趣味周边,让消费者在享受美味时,也可以收获一份童真的欢趣,驱散烦恼,点亮秋日 ...