On January 5, renowned Sufi singer Bismil and Shifa Khan embarked on a new journey together, tying the knot in a beautiful Nikaah ceremony in Jaipur. The royal city set the perfect backdrop for their ...
Cheng Shifa was a Chinese painter best known for his works depicting figures, landscapes, and flowers. His eclectic style merged traditional Chinese wash techniques with Western drawing aesthetics.
An aesthete and skincare enthusiast, Shifa spends most of her time cooking delicious meals while wearing a sheet mask. She produces high-octane content for Etimes that is sure to pique your interest!
MISSION: At Shifa health, our mission is to prevent and decrease suffering, improve functioning and enhance mental wellbeing by providing cutting-edge, highest quality, and evidence-based mental ...
In view of increasing demand for quality eye care services, Al-Shifa Trust started providing free services to the people of remote areas before the completion of the cutting-edge hospital in Gilgit.