An American supernatural horror film series that begins with fictional true-crime writer Ellison Oswalt who discovers a box of home movies in his attic that puts his family in danger. A sequel ...
However, many fantasy films and TV series have opted to lean into the darker underside of the genre. Whether in animation or live-action, these stories excavate some of the more sinister aspects ...
An American supernatural horror film series that begins with fictional true-crime writer Ellison Oswalt who discovers a box of home movies in his attic that puts his family in danger. A sequel ...
NEW BEDFORD — New Bedford Film Festival will bring a spine-chilling set of short films to the big screen with the return of Sinister Cinema on Thursday, Oct 24. This year's festival, which ...
It's no secret a Sinister Six movie has been on Sony's agenda for quite a while. The two Amazing Spider-Man movies were clearly building towards this alliance of evil. Sony went as far as to ...
Now, there’s a thought of ‘Hey, maybe we put it on Disney+ as a limited series,’ but I loved it more as a film with the two of them. So, my hope is that one day it can still happen.” ...
Though Grant's sinister turn is a highlight, the craft of all involved makes the film's provocative fights succeed. A24 will ...