根据记录,我们发现这是做市商Wintermute下的子地址,在8月7日向Wtinermute做市地址直接发送了120万美元大写代币,后者从三个不同地址收到了共计1500万枚大写代币,后发送给了另一个做市地址:0xdbf5e9c5206d0db70a9 ...
现年94岁的巴菲特自7月中旬开始逐步减持这笔巨额投资。即便经过数月抛售,根据周二收盘价,伯克希尔-哈撒韦公司在美国银行的剩余股份价值仍高达321亿美元,稳居第一大股东地位。(财富中文网) ...
虎扑10月10日讯 近日,勇士球员摩西-穆迪接受了勇士主场播报员Tim Roye的采访。罗耶问道:这个夏天你都在忙些什么?穆迪着重提到了他在夏天参加青年峰会的经历:我今年夏天最喜欢的活动是我举办的青年 ...
Meanwhile, another direct auto-match trade of 570,500 shares of TRACKER FUND was registered at 10:00am at HK$21.68 per share, 1.6% higher than previous close, with the total amount of HK$12.37m. In ad ...
of TRACKER FUND (02800) were registered at 1:15p.m. The deals amounted to HK$29.99m, or at HK$22.28-HK$22.3 per share, 6.3% to 6.4% lower than previous close. Meanwhile, another 2 direct auto-match tr ...
Young Binya falls in love with a gorgeous blue umbrella owned by a Japanese tourist, and trades her bear-claw necklace for it. Soon, her prized possession is stolen and she searches for the culprit.