Blood clots in deep veins, collectively known as venous thromboembolism (VTE), include deep vein thrombosis, which occurs ...
Purpose Published evidence on the incidence and predictors of venous thromboembolism (VTE) in patients with cirrhosis of the liver is reviewed. Summary The frequently observed phenomenon of ...
Patients who received the original monovalent mRNA COVID-19 vaccine were less likely than unvaccinated patients to be hospitalized for COVID-19-associated VTE.
HealthDay News — Higher ambient levels of air pollutants are associated with increased risk of venous thromboembolism (VTE), ...
A pair of Regeneron’s monoclonal antibodies have held their own against a commonly used anticoagulant in a phase 2 trial, ...
基于健康行为改变整合理论的抗凝药学服务模式构建与应用梁侠兵1,凡保华1,文志萍2,王晓义2(1.石河子大学药学院;2.石河子大学第一附属医院药学部)摘要 目的:建立药师主导的基于健康行为改变整合理论(ITHBC)的抗凝药学服务模式,并分析其应用效果。
In the era of DOACs, risk for CTEPH following pulmonary embolism is affected by multiple factors, including gender and heart load.
Considering taking supplements to treat venous thromboembolism vte? Below is a list of common natural remedies used to treat or reduce the symptoms of venous thromboembolism vte. Follow the links ...
Long-term exposure to air pollution poses an increased risk of blood clots in deep veins, which can result in serious ...