In the 19th century, Japan opened its doors. The "Kimono Dress"—emblematic of a broader clothing revolution—sheds light on Japan's forward-looking strategy as it joined the global community.
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simplifying the purchase especially for first-time customers.
Featuring natural and seasonal motifs, as well as customs and folkways, the rich colors of the kimono have reflected the beauty of Japan and shown the aesthetics of people through different times.
The unveiled uniforms are based on the concept “wearing Japanese aesthetics” and feature a gender-neutral design based on the kimono, the ministry said. The uniforms were designed by designer ...
The kimono, which means ‘thing to wear’ in Japanese, can be traced back to Japan's Heian period, over 1,000 years ago, and its status has changed a lot over time.
An curved arrow pointing right. Kimonos are known for being expensive, and a kimono from the Japanese brand Chiso is one of the most expensive you can buy. One kimono takes around 20 artisans over ...
NARA -- This western Japan city has seen increasing numbers of inbound visitors strolling around tourist spots wearing kimonos and their summer counterpart, yukata. Westerners in particular appear ...
Making potions from plants in Dublin, apple juice in Leitrim and much more news from Ireland and around the world. The Big Scream hits the streets of Dublin City. Plus, we have lots more news ...
A Japanese man who married fictional vocaloid Hatsune Miku in 2018 is still happily married and anticipating their sixth anniversary. On October 23, 41-year-old Akihiko Kondo shared on his ...