but it does add some flash to live music performances or it makes a cool music visualizer. The matrix is only 64×64 so you can’t really expect it to match a proper scope. Besides that ...
[Rafael] and [Eric] decided to bring back those glory days with their music visualizer that runs on the Raspberry Pi Pico. The design is quite interesting, going beyond the usual simplistic ...
Animated Lyrics is a html5 based music visualizer from Svg-Wow.org that was demonstrated at the SVG Open 2009 conference, and it’s beautiful. Using features like web fonts, scripted animations, text ...
" Feel your energy flow. Feel your spiritual energy. While meditating, some subtle energies sometimes aren't noticed. Go ...
Imagine that every wish you have can come true. Relax and focus on your willing, travel the deepest part of yourself and take this journey to distant places of the Universe. ►subscribe <a href=" ...