Bandai Spirits has announced an upcoming Gundam-themed tabletop game Gundam Assemble, transforming giant mech suits into 5cm miniatures.
It is a well-known fact among many that tabletop games are pretty expensive, especially among Warhammer 40K fans. Models of the famed wargame are almost exorbitantly expensive, with army boxes ...
When your local Warhammer Store has their "birthday" in 2025 swing by for your chance to score these exclusive miniatures.
I can't believe it's 2025. So what's on the way for Warhammer 40,000 in the new year? Here's what we know so far.
Games Workshop previewed the new Warhammer Store Anniversary miniatures that will be made available throughout 2025. There is ...
Gundam recently announced that their new miniatures game, Gundam Assemble, will be storming to gaming tables in the future. Much like Warhammer 40K, players will customize the mech miniatures and ...
Here's what new hobbyists should know before starting. However, at the heart of Warhammer 40k are its miniatures, and no other faction has as many as the Space Marines. The poster boys of the ...
We’ve also added another great board game option below. Another great way to experience the world of Warhammer is with Miniatures! Since the series kicked off as a miniature game, this is the ...