Hengyang's Nanyue District has been certified as a "World Longevity Area" by the International Institute on Ageing (INIA).On ...
苏州,积极融入全球创新网络,坚持培育创新文化,大力弘扬科学家精神,率先提出打造国家级、国际性科学公园的理念和构想,以风景秀丽的虎丘湿地公园为实施主体,打造环球科学公园(筹)。9月26日,苏州环球科学公园(筹)概念策划与规划设计国际竞赛正式启动。Suz ...
The 2024 Guangzhou Nansha (Bay Area) Half Marathon is set to begin on December 1, officials from the Nansha district ...
“文旅康养产业是消费新蓝海、增长新动力。”晋城市委书记王震说,“晋城文旅康养产业发展蓄势待发、前景广阔、大有可为。” 据了解,晋城GDP增速连续三年排名全省第一,近四年年均增长8%;人均GDP达到10.7万元,保持全省第一位,超出全国近2万元。
今天,中国科学院、国家航天局、中国载人 航天工程 ( 15.340, 0.04, 0.26%) ...
哀牢山的彝语意思是“虎豹出没的地方”, 这里保存了世界同纬度面积最大、人为干扰最少、最完整的亚热带中山湿性常绿阔叶林森林生态系统,地形复杂,天气多变,是国内动物资源最集中的宝库之一。
Los repetidos informes sobre fugas de sustancias químicas vinculadas a las bases militares estadounidenses en Japón han ...
Elegant decorations enhance an outdoor area at Solana Lifestyle Shopping Park by the Liangma River in Beijing, China, Oct. 12 ...
* Located on the northern slope of the Tianshan Mountains, the economically vibrant Wu-Chang-Shi urban cluster contains ...
10月11日,秋意渐浓,又到了云海的最佳观赏季节,冷暖空气与山脉相汇,产生梦幻的云海奇观。在郴州市宜章县莽山旅游景区五指峰景点,云海涌动、宛如仙境,吸引众多游客慕名而来打卡游玩。入秋以来,莽山依旧青山叠翠,绿意盎然。在五指峰景点,山间云雾缭绕,与巍峨 ...
From October 2nd to 3rd, the inaugural 2024 Greater Bay Area Streetball Game took place at the Niceid Street Space in ...
Editor’s Note: Since the reform and opening-up, China has undergone profound transformations, with foreign multinational ...