是什么让纽约大学著名研究者谢赛宁三连呼喊「Representation matters」?他表示:「我们可能一直都在用错误的方法训练扩散模型。」即使对生成模型而言,表征也依然有用。基于此,他们提出了 REPA,即表征对齐技术,其能让「训练扩散 ...
内政部发言人 Traisuree Taisaranakul 周二表示,内阁批准内政部的提议,将每个家庭的洪水补偿金额从最初的标准提高到 9,000 泰铢。 最初的计划是按照房屋被淹天数来支付赔偿金。例如,如果房屋被淹时间少于 30 天,则赔偿 ...
泰国将洪水补贴金提高至每户9,000泰铢,简化付款标准,6,363 个按先前规定付款的家庭将获得政府储蓄银行的差额。 内政部发言人 Traisuree Taisaranakul ...
泰国当局出动水上交通工具协助滞留酒店的旅客撤离,并呼吁市内其他游客尽快撤离。(美联社照片) ...
Harnessing deep learning, ProteinGenerator designs diverse proteins with specific properties, offering new avenues for drug ...
(法新社曼谷6日电) 泰国卫生官员今天表示,热门旅游胜地清迈(Chiang Mai)连日降雨导致洪灾,至今已造成3人丧生。当地游客涉过水深及膝的泥水从饭店撤离,市中心的商店也暂停营业。
The Flood, Storm, and Landslide Disaster Relief Operations Center has advised residents who have lost important documents in ...
中国可重复使用卫星再创佳绩 ...
The government will distribute 10,000 baht to households affected by flooding nationwide to help cover cleanup expenses.
The Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation (DDPM) has issued a Level 3 (Yellow) flood warning for several ...
Heavy rains and floods inundated some 20 provinces and effected at least 30,000 families across Thailand.
Chiang Mai, Thailand - Recent Flash floods on Saturday swamped Thailand's northern city of Chiang Mai, a popular tourist destination, forcing stores and markets to suspend operation and disrupting the ...