BEIJING, Oct. 13 (Xinhua) -- China's first independently developed and independently built ultra-deepwater gas field, Shenhai Yihao, also known as Deep Sea No.1, has recorded an accumulated natural ...
在风雨飘摇的清朝末年,鲁迅出生于浙江绍兴的一个书香门第,一颗文学界的巨星由此开始冉冉升起。他从小接受传统的儒家教育,但同时也对西方的科学和文化产生了浓厚的兴趣。In the turbulent final years of the Qing ...
WUHAN, Oct. 11 (Xinhua) -- China's domestically developed buoyant airborne turbine (BAT) reached a record height on Thursday in central China's Hubei Province, harnessing stronger, steadier winds from ...
From January to August 2024, Chery Automobile achieved cumulative sales of 1.5 million units, marking a year-on-year increase ...
The world's most powerful floating offshore wind turbine, with a generating capacity of 20 megawatts, has rolled off the ...
China's first reusable satellite returned to Earth on Friday morning and has been recovered at its predetermined landing site ...
Yet, the proof of the Chinese gaming industry going gangbusters is far beyond that. At the Tokyo Game Show (TGS) 2024 kicked ...
重阳节,是中国民间传统节日,日期在每年农历九月初九。提到这个节日,总绕不开唐代诗人王维的《九月九日忆山东兄弟》:“独在异乡为异客,每逢佳节倍思亲。遥知兄弟登高处,遍插茱萸少一人”。The Double Ninth Festival, known as ...
190位诺贝尔化学奖得主中,有8位女性。分别是1911年的居里夫人(居里夫人另外还获得1903年的物理学奖)、1935年的Irène Joliot-Curie、1964年的Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin、2009年的Ada ...
SAIC will provide 750 automobiles for the 7th China International Import Expo, the company announced at a handover ceremony ...
During the High-level Week of the 79th UN General Assembly in New York, climate change has once again become a central global ...