Well, Kamala Harris did it: She went on Fox News. And viewers were disabused of any notion that the station might approach ...
Either give yourself bullet points and extemporize from those throughout or write your toast verbatim, in your normal ...
Unlike Trump, however, she got away with it. Willis was allowed to extemporize at length on the "collusion" of the lawyers ...
Ray Moskow passed away recently, but he left his mark on Wilton with three decades of volunteer service, especially with the ...
On the eve of a crucial juncture in the presidential campaign, Trump on Friday decided it was time to extemporize in great, conspiratorial and seemingly ill-advised detail about the women who have ...
Timothy Gates, as the angel child's aged mother, has little opportunity to extemporize, though his exit song is delightfully dead-pan and relaxed. The music for Love Rides the Rails by Varick ...
For years he was on our board of directors and often read his work in our public readings, sometimes tossing his intended text aside to deliver a newer work or extemporize on the neighborhood ...
"Much of what Nixon wanted was raw material that he could extemporize on in his speeches, so I helped come up with historical references, statistical tidbits and things like that." (In Robert ...