金融界 2024 年 9 月 30 日消息,国家知识产权局信息显示,一汽奔腾汽车股份有限公司申请一项名为“IVI 系统 JTAG 接口调试权限与禁用测试方法及系统”的专利,公开号 CN 118708469 A,申请日期为 2024 年 5 月。
We used the recent holiday to add some new features, like a JTAG programmer, macros, frequency measurement, and more. A major code reorganization makes everything easier to read and update.
We don’t always JTAG, but when we do, we use a Black Magic Probe. It’s a completely open ARM-chip debugging powerhouse. If you program the small ARM chips and you don’t have a BMP ...
At this year's Electronica in Munich, Germany, GOEPEL electronic is presenting groundbreaking innovations at booth A3.351 ...
In order to address these test challenges, the IEEE IJTAG working group coined an IEEE-P1687 IJTAG (Internal JTAG) Standard with the motivation to provide a uniform and efficient methodology for ...
AC coupling and deferential signals are not compatible with 1149.1. An IEEE working group studied the problem and developed a solution that became IEEE1149.6. We provide a customized solution for JTAG ...
根据Canalys的最新初步数据,7-9月期间全球 智能手机 出货量与去年同期相比下降了6%。在持续的 芯片组 短缺中,组件短缺是毫无疑问是罪魁祸首,根据一些行业人士的估计,至少还需要一年时间才能实现供需平衡。从数据上看,三星再次在调查中名列前茅,其智能手机产品占该时期所有出货量的23%。
10月7日消息,当地时间周三,三星电子宣布公司新一代3纳米 芯片制造 技术将推迟到2022年上市,同时称更先进的2纳米芯片制造技术将在2025年问世。 三星曾计划于今年开始用3纳米制程工艺生产处理速度更快、能效更高的芯片产品。周三公司在“三星代工论坛”(Samsung Foundry ...
Traditionally, the debug kernel has been implemented in firmware. Thus, for the kernel to execute correctly on new hardware, the new design must at least get the processor memory interface correct.
The SFX II TIC01/VX can be installed in any TIC slot of compatible controllers and thus offers a high degree of adaptability ...
XY” is a Filogic 820-based WiFi 6 router board manufactured by Banana Pi whose software is directly managed by OpenWrt ...
An approach to meeting customers at their software interface so embedded engineers can integrate ADI's well-established ...