It was on this day in 1786, that Burns and Margaret Campbell, 'Highland Mary', were said to have parted. She was to die soon after. The poet had probably had a marriage proposal accepted by her ...
Mary's grief is renewed. * Where has thy Beloved gone, o fairest of women? Where has he whom thou lovest gone, and we will seek him with thee? (Cant 5:17). The Blessed Virgin is our mother ...
Thou who alone art a speedy succor, O Christ, manifest Thy speedy visitation from on high upon Thy sick servants; deliver them from their infirmities, and cruel pain; and raise them up again to sing ...
The Lord Who said of Himself: I am the good Shepherd, said unto thee, O first-enthroned Peter: If thou lovest Me, feed My sheep. And He Who said: I am Jesus, said of thee, O preeminent Apostle Paul: ...
“Take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of.
Oben rorr is nice in model Oben rorr is nice in model and they are also solve the km problem or in lovest price witha aa best performance Very nice bike this bikes pick up very nice.I choose this ...