NASA发布卫星图像:在“死亡之海”,中国建起“光伏长城”,光伏,太阳能,nasa,太阳能电池,清洁能源,电池板 ...
NASA's beleaguered Mars Sample Return program currently faces extreme costs of up to $11 billion and a timeline that could ...
NASA's Ingenuity helicopter, which flew on Mars in April 2021, became the first aircraft to achieve powered, controlled flight on a planet other than Earth.
还有网友说,美国比基尼岛核试验和胡弗大坝的建造造成了地球自转轴偏移了四公分,中国建造的三峡大坝纠偏了两公分,为了恢复地球自转轴的角度,我们准备在雅鲁藏布江大拐弯处再建造三个大坝,以确保地球自转轴偏角正常! 返回搜狐,查看更多 ...
NASA wants to return Mars samples to Earth, but budget problems and technical woes have the mission caught between a rock and ...
Almost forty years after being decommissioned, a piece of Western Australia's history is experiencing a revival.
【文/观察者网 齐倩】1998年,美俄日等16个国家联合建设国际空间站项目,却将中国排除在外。2011年,美国国会批准“沃尔夫条款”,以所谓“国家安全”为由,禁止中美太空科研合作。面对美国的“太空封杀令”,中国坚持独立自主,在空间站领域“杀出一条血路 ...
NASA said scientists began receiving more detailed telemetry — or "housekeeping data" — from the spacecraft on New Year's Day ...
The asteroid, named 2025 AB, is expected to pass us at a distance of 95,200 miles, about twice as close as the orbit of the ...
美国国家航空航天局 (NASA)具有开拓意义的帕克太阳探测器 (Parker Solar Probe)星期二 (12月24日)创造了历史,它比任何其他航天器都更接近太阳,其隔热罩暴露在超过930摄氏度的高温之下。