CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --model poincare --dataset WN18RR --num_iterations 500 --nneg 50 --batch_size 128 --lr 50 --dim 40 Available datasets are: FB15k-237 WN18RR To reproduce the ...
A two-dimensional Poincaré section of the forced Duffing equation Poincaré maps can be interpreted as a discrete dynamical system. The stability of a periodic orbit of the original system is closely ...
Code for our ICLR'19 submission on Poincare GloVe. This repo is a fork of the gensim repository. For training and evaluating a model, we use run_{word2vec, glove}.sh scripts. Their usage is similar, ...
We introduce $F$-gauges over a prism, construct syntomic cycle classes, and prove the prismatic Poincaré duality for proper smooth schemes. \begin{align*} \mathrm{H ...
In this paper we reassess the cyclical performance of the French economy in the 1920s, focusing in particular on the period 1926-1931 and on France's resistance to the Great Depression. France ...
Abstract: We compute all the top intersection numbers of divisors on the total space of the Poincaré bundle restricted to B × C (where B is an abelian variety, and C ⊂ B is any test curve). We use ...
Abstract: In this paper, we give a sharp spectral characterization of conformally compact Einstein manifolds with conformal infinity of positive Yamabe type in dimension n + 1 > 2. More precisely, we ...
THE very possibility of mathematical science seems an insoluble contradiction. If this science is only deductive in appearance, from whence is derived that perfect rigour which is challenged by none?