If you have even a basic knowledge of free image editors, you might be wondering why GIMP isn't included in this list, right? In fact, GIMP has long been on every possible list of alternative free ...
Volkswagen has the Beetle and the Golf, Fiat has the 500, Renault boasts the Clio, Peugeot the 206. Each manufacturer has created quite a few high-profile cars. For some, it is immediately clear to us ...
I can't believe it took me nine generations before I got my hands on a Pixel phone for the first time. Finally, I was able to test everything that users have been praising for years, from the genuine ...
Microsoft says it has "listened to feedback" about the privacy breach of its new Recall tool, which regularly captures screenshots of user activity. When the tool was introduced (this May), critics ...
If you don't yet have your favorite open source Linux distribution, we have a great suggestion for you - Nitrux Linux 3.7.0 Open Source Operating System. It is probably no longer a secret that the ...
Fortunately, we can install the new Windows 11 24H2 operating system even if our hardware does not fully comply with the hardware requirements. The next major release ...
Odnos med podjetjem Unity in razvijalci iger je že nekaj časa skrhan. Razlog? Sprememba poslovnega modela, ki bi po določenem ...
Ste že slišali za Microsoft Copilot? Gre za napredno AI orodje namenjeno uporabi znotraj Microsoft 365 aplikacij, kot so Word ...
Navdušenja nad igro je vsako leto manj, mogoče tudi zaradi tega, ker je število prijateljev, ki igra to igro skoraj ničelna.
Ni čarobne palice, s katero bi lahko zavihteli in napovedali, v katero smer se bo obrnil naložbeni trg. Če razmišljate o vlaganju v trg kriptovalut, po vsej verjetnosti tudi redno spremljate, kaj se ...
Novi Doogee V40 Pro je nedvomno eden izmed trenutno najzmogljivejših robustnih pametnih mobilnih telefonov na svetu. Zato ne ...
Nova beta orodja uporabnikom omogočajo ustvarjanje videoposnetkov iz slik in pozivov v Premier Pro ter podaljševanje obstoječih posnetkov. Adobe vstopa na področje generativnega UI videa. Po številnih ...