Students pursuing non-modular programmes or non-semesterised programmes will be informed of the term dates by their Head of School. Health-related programmes may have extended session dates for all or ...
The Skills and Employment Survey (2017) collects data on what people do at work, what skills they use and how they work. The 2017 survey is the seventh in a series of studies which began in 1986. A ...
The aim of the course is to equip participants with an understanding of the systematic review process and an introduction to the skills necessary to conduct a review. The course is practical and ...
This PhD degree programme is part of the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Compound Semiconductor Manufacturing. The centre is led by Cardiff University working closely with partner ...
Information for anyone concerned about child criminal exploitation. The website has been developed based on our research findings from speaking to young people who have been criminally exploited in ...
We provide full time undergraduate and postgraduate estranged students with a bursary of £1,000 per year of their academic course. a full time undergraduate or postgraduate taught student and under 25 ...
Cardiff Catalysis Institute We are improving the understanding of catalysis, developing new catalytic processes with industry and promoting the use of catalysis as a sustainable 21st century ...
My research involves the investigation of neural and computational mechanisms of decision-making, learning and action. A central theme is to understand how the human brain integrates cognitive and ...