The Lords Spiritual (Women) Act 2015 (Extension) Bill aims to increase the number of women bishops in the Lords by extending ...
Members of the House of Lords begin their detailed examination of Crown Estate Bill, in committee stage on Monday 14 October.
The higher court system, which had existed since the Middle Ages, was completely reorganised by the Judicature Acts passed by Parliament in 1873 and 1875. The demand for such reform came from ...
In medieval times farming was based on large fields, known as open fields, in which individual yeomen or tenant farmers cultivated scattered strips of land. From as early as the 12th century, however, ...
On the 5th October 1936, 200 unemployed men began to march to Parliament as part of the Jarrow Crusade. The Crusade, led by David Riley (chair of Jarrow council) and Ellen Wilkinson, covered 282 miles ...
During the first two decades of the 20th century the police in England and Wales recorded an average of 90,000 indictable offences each year, a figure which increased to over 500,000 during the 1950s.
The Liberal philosopher John Stuart Mill MP (1806-1873) was elected MP for the City of Westminster in 1865 on a platform including votes for women. Mill's thinking on women's rights was influenced by ...
From the late 18th century children formed a rising proportion of the population almost two out of five people by the mid-1820s. It was common for them to work to supplement family incomes. Orphans ...
The Birmingham Political Union ‘of the Lower and Middle Classes of the People' was formed by Thomas Attwood and others in 1829. In May 1829 Attwood spoke at a meeting of 4,000 to 5,000 people. During ...
A prayer motion can be used by members of either House to object to a statutory instrument (SI). A motion to seeking to overturn a negative instrument will include the wording: 'That a humble Address ...
The Representation of the People Bill introduced in May 1917 embodied the Conference's resolutions. The Act gave the vote to all men aged 21 years or older and to men on military or naval service from ...
Only four original copies of Magna Carta survive. Two are kept in the British Library (one of which was badly damaged by fire in 1731), one in Salisbury cathedral, and one in Lincoln castle. They were ...