Sustainable development is the red thread throughout this course. The course builds on the principle of sustainable development and analyses how it is reflected in main international treaties on the ...
The course focuses on methods for modern data analysis both within a practical and theoretical framework. Fewer assumptions are made when using these methods, such as machine learning or statistical ...
The course gives a comprehensive overview over modern Natural Language Processing (NLP) with main emphasis on probabilistic and machine learning techniques. Methodology for experiments based on ...
This is a basic course in advanced econometrics. Econometrics deals with evaluating economic theories and models, and investigating their validity by confronting them with data, using statistical ...
The course provides an in-depth overview of glaciers with a focus on the processes related to glacier mass balance, ice motion and glacier instabilities, and the response of glaciers to climate change ...
Societies must transform to reduce their dependence on carbon-based energy sources and protect the environment. Such transitions must be just to reduce social and geographical inequality on both ...
Climate change is the most serious issue facing us today. Film, media, politics, and corporations all have a powerful role in communicating the urgency of the ecological crisis. In this course we will ...
To introduce a fundamental understanding of medicine; the basic concept of disease development, mechanisms for medical decision-making and the impact of technological innovations and healthcare ...
The objective of this course is to provide a theoretical foundation for research in information systems. The course introduces core theories and current research streams in the field of information ...
This course introduces students to the international legal norms relevant to addressing climate change and its adverse impacts. These norms are found in the (1) UN climate regime, (2) other ...
We experience the most significant moments of our lives in small groups and subcultures: families, sports teams, romantic partners, working groups, friendship groups, musical subcultures, sports ...
Politics, both domestically and internationally, raises a host of vital normative questions. How should resources, rights, political power, and burdens be distributed? How should we ideally respond to ...