The Bajau subsist by gathering shellfish on the sea floor In a striking example of natural selection, the Bajau people of South-East Asia have developed bigger spleens for diving, a study shows.
Part of the reason is simply training and experience, since they spend over half their work day underwater But it turns out the Bajau also have a genetic mutation that makes their spleens 50% ...
They have extra large spleens. The tribe that evolved to stay underwater longer – BBC REEL The spleen kicks in when a body is submerged in water, highlighting its key role in the ...
Between 1992 and 1994, this procedure was used in all patients with spleens shorter than 20 cm (group I), except the first two (18/20). An anterior surgical approach was used. After 1994 (group II ...
Results: Mean (SD) splenic length was 10.65 (1.55) cm and width, 5.16 (1.21) cm. Men had larger spleens than women (p<0.001). White subjects had larger spleens than African-American subjects (p<0.001) ...