每经AI快讯,2月6日,嘉麟杰公告,公司全资子公司纺织科技拟将持有的Masood Textile Mills ...
Cullingworth Mills was a sorry sight. Following a major fire, much of the complex – which dates back to the 19th century - ...
嘉麟杰 (002486.SZ)发布公告,为了公司的长远发展,经上海嘉麟杰纺织科技有限公司 (以下简称“纺织科技”)与Masood Textile Mills Limited (以下简称“MTM”)的首席执行官沙希德·纳齐尔·艾哈迈德友好协商,公司全资子公司纺织科技拟将持有的MTM ...
Many of the textile mills of the past are still standing proud with some now given a new lease of life. Catherine Scott spoke ...
Africa’s most populous country still struggles with its textile mills, while Bangladesh has been able to harness its cotton ...
Commerce Adviser Sheikh Bashiruddin announced that the Bangladesh Jute Mills Corporation (BJMC) and Bangladesh Textile Mills ...
The five-year mission for cotton productivity aims to improve Extra Long Staple cotton quality and yields, potentially ...