The 39th Annual CSU Student Research Competition has been scheduled for April 25-26, 2025. Applications will open soon. Learn more at our upcoming info sessions. Dates and times can found on MyRaft.
Residency status determines if a student pays tuition on an in-state or out-of-state basis. Establishing resident status requires a combination of physical presence and intent to remain indefinitely.
Why are essays and personal narratives so important? First, although essays and personal narratives are just one piece out of an entire application packet – along with your GPA, test scores, letters ...
The mission of the Center for Advising, Career, and Student Success is to provide equitable, culturally appropriate academic, career, and student success advising to help CSUMB undergraduates achieve ...
64% of Cal State Monterey Bay undergraduate students receive enough financial aid to cover full tuition. A college education is one of the most important investments you can make in yourself. We also ...
The Cooperative Learning Center engages a community of diverse learners in peer-to-peer collaboration to develop study skills, habits of mind, and knowledge essential for interdisciplinary learning.
Open to all CSUMB students, the California Pre-Doctoral Program is designed to increase the diversity of the pool of potential faculty by supporting the doctoral aspirations of CSU students who have ...
The MSCI department at CSUMB primarily advises graduate students through MLML. The MLML is a consortium campus that includes seven CSU campuses in northern California. As described below, you can ...
B2: Life Science BIO 106, BIO 204; BIO 210; BIO 211; BIO 230; ENVS 201; FYS 124; PSY 110; SBS 100 B2: Life Science B3: Laboratory Practices BIO 230; BIO 210L; BIO ...
Personnel & Payroll - ESF, Request to Recruit, handbook, etc. Procurement Card & Purchasing - policy & procedures, justification statement, manual, etc. Travel ...
The College of Extended Education and International Programs (EEIP) is a self-supported interdisciplinary college that aims to foster a more global and interconnected campus by strategically ...
Meet with your program advisor to review your academic record and determine the term in which you will be completing your final degree requirements. Graduate students must have their completed ...