Heritage Protection Commissions (HPC) funds projects in response to specific calls for proposals that directly address the priorities outlined in Historic England's Corporate Plan. All calls for ...
This glossary contains the definitions of terms used within disability history. To link to the terms please click on any blue letter to see corresponding glossary entries: ...
Location of this list entry and nearby places that are also listed. Use our map search to find more listed places. The National Heritage List for England is a unique register of our country's most ...
Location of this list entry and nearby places that are also listed. Use our map search to find more listed places. The National Heritage List for England is a unique register of our country's most ...
Location of this list entry and nearby places that are also listed. Use our map search to find more listed places. The National Heritage List for England is a unique register of our country's most ...
Browse and download from our A-Z list of current Historic England advice and guidance publications.
Listing is used to describe the different types of protection for heritage included on the National Heritage List for England (the NHLE), which includes Listed Buildings, Scheduled Monuments, ...
Photograph taken 1870 - 1900 © Reproduced by permission of Historic England Archive ref: cc97_00178 ...
Keep up to date with a selection of highlights from the latest applied research into the historic environment by Historic England and our partners. The Historic England Research Reports Database: ...
Beginning with nine voluntary institutions, the asylum movement rolled across the 19th century English landscape like an avalanche gathering pace. The 'mentally unsound' were moved in ever greater ...
This map shows the locations of listed buildings and sites. It doesn't show the full extent of the structures protected by each listing. For more about the extent of ...
This map shows the locations of listed buildings and sites. It doesn't show the full extent of the structures protected by each listing. For more about the extent of ...