The castles of Westeros are nearly as famous as some of the characters: Winterfell, the Red Keep, Riverrun...the lot of them looked great on Game of Thrones, an ...
The Rings of Power ends with a bang: a big, loud, fun, kind of scattershot bang. The show blitzes through climaxes i ...
During the previous episode, Ark-1 made it to the Trappist solar system. The Ark season 2 finale sees Ark-1 make it to ...
The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power seemingly confirmed that the Stranger is Gandalf, but there are still hints that he could be another member of the Istari.
We've almost reached the end of the second season of The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power. Amazon has famously spent a lot of money on this show. Has it go ...
House of the Dragon star Matt Smith walks down the street with Austin Butler. Butler has blood all over his neck but Smith definitely pulls focus. Smith has been making a lot of follicularly ...
Andrea Stewart is the author of The Drowning Empire fantasy trilogy, which marked her out as a powerful new voice in the genre. That series wrapped up last year ...
The latest season of Doctor Who was very much a mixed bag, but we can all agree that the episode '73 Yards' was one of the finest installments. The episode step ...
Folie à Deux opens this weekend, and if people like this sequel half as much as they liked the 2019 original movie, Joker, we could be in f ...
Welcome to Take the Black, the weekly chat show where we talk about all things sci-fi, fantasy, movies, TV, books and nasty hobbitses. This week, we're talking ...
When The Mandalorian premiered on Disney+ in 2019, it seemed like an exciting new beginning for the Star Wars universe. It revolved around interesting new chara ...
Nearly 10 years after the release of author N.K. Jemisin's groundbreaking novel The Fifth Season, the Broken Earth trilogy is ...