Elly Barton lives in a barren suburban housing estate where there is only one tree left standing. Now the neighbours want to cut it down, but what no-one seems to understand is that it is Elly’s tree ...
Three vampires who share an apartment are interviewed by a TV crew. Our collection comprises over 40,000 moving image works, acquired and catalogued between the 1940s and early 2000s. As a result, ...
Universal Everything is a collective of media artists, experience designers and future makers, established in 2004. A life affirming, future positive, audience focused approach spans their artworks, ...
Sorry, we don't have images or video for this item. Episode of Series “Visionaries”. In Grave Danger of Falling Food - Bill Mollison believes that the most ...
Sorry, we aren't able to make images or video for this item available to the public online. Our collection comprises over 40,000 moving image works, acquired and ...
A sequel to International Cricket, this improves on the graphics and audio from the previous game. It has eight teams: Sri Lanka, Australia, England, South Africa, New Zealand, India, Pakistan and the ...
This is an experimental feature using vector embeddings to match related works. Tap a work to see all of the related works from our collection: ...
The dynamic progress and development of Davies Coop, now one of Australia’s largest textile manufacrtuing companies. Scouring, spinning, and e=eaving pr..
What exactly is screen culture? Is it films, TV, videogames and art; or is the answer more complex? We explore the stories and histories behind all things moving image. Vidya Rajan and Ian MacLarty's ...