The closure of the Consulate General of Romania in Rostov-on-Don represents the response measure of the Russian authorities in order to ensure parity with regard to the diplomatic representation of ...
Southern Harvest Company, a subsidiary of the American investment fund Anholt Services, announced on Thursday the purchase of 2,700 hectares of farming land in Romania following two separate ...
Arctic is the leading domestic brand, according to “Romania’s most powerful brands” study conducted by the research company Unlock Market Research for BIZ, in July 2021, on a nationally representative ...
Biofarm, one of the biggest producers of drugs and food supplements in Romania, had an increase of the net profit of 22%, 36.4 million lei, while the net income from sales achieved in the first part ...
The Finance Ministry announced on Tuesday that it would issue, as of September 1, three new state bond emissions, as part of the Treasury Program, with deadlines of 1,3 and 5 years and interest rates ...
The Banca Transilvania Financial Group has closed last year with a consolidated net profit of 2.045 billion RON, of which the bank's stands at 1.782 billion RON, according to a release of the bank.
The Minister of Defense, Nicolae Ciuca, and the head of the General Staff, Lieutenant General Daniel Petrescu, had, on Tuesday, a meeting with Lieutenant General Eric P. Wendt, commander of the NATO ...
On Wednesday, the deputies and senators voted for the draft decision regarding the removal of Renata Weber from the leadership of the Ombudsman institution. There were 247 votes "in favour," 32 ...
Almost one third of women (30.2%) were graduates of higher education in 2021, 6.5% of post-secondary and master's education, 43.4% high school graduates and 10% graduated from vocational and ...
About 30 percent of Romania's urban population is still connected to the district heating network managed by municipalities, informs the Institute for Public Policy (IPP).'The district heating system ...
Romania has imported, in the first eight months of 2021, 4.837 million tons of oil equivalent (toe) in oil, by 452,000 toe (10.3) more than the quantity imported in the similar period of 2020, ...
Luca Niculescu, former ambassador of Romania to Paris was appointed State Secretary for Romania’s accession to the OECD under the MAE. The decision regarding the appointment of Luca-Alexandru ...