Acciaieria Arvedi e Arvedi Tubi Acciaio, aziende facenti parte del Gruppo Arvedi attive rispettivamente nei laminati piani e dei tubi saldati in acciaio al carbonio, hanno ottenuto la label TISAX® ...
Acciaieria Arvedi and Arvedi Tubi Acciaio, companies that are part of the Arvedi Group operating respectively in the sectors of carbon steel flat rolled products and welded tubes, have obtained the ...
The Cremona production site is a very modern industrial works, which, thanks to its technological, environmental and ergonomic conception, can be defined as a new system for steel manufacturing. It is ...
The material is tested according to the required standards and certificates are issued in accordance with EN 10204 standard which provides for: ...
Arvedi process technology for coils is based on casting thin slabs rolled in-line and is protected by numerous patents, covering the most important industrialised countries, regarding both the ...
Finarvedi is the holding company established in 1985 and is responsible for the strategic and operational co-ordination of the Arvedi Group companies. The Group currently has 6,400 employees, produces ...
For more information about environment and sustainability please contact us at [email protected] ...
Nel giro di dieci anni, i volumi venduti sono triplicati, grazie al continuo aumento di capacità produttiva e all’apprezzamento da parte del mercato dei nostri prodotti a dimostrazione della capacità ...
The production programme highlights the various diameters and wall thicknesses produced and the metric weight (Kg/m) of the tube.
Il sito produttivo di Cremona è un insediamento industriale modernissimo per concezione tecnologica, ecologica ed ergonomica che può essere definito come un nuovo sistema per produrre acciaio. E’ il ...
With its service centres CSI, operating mainly in Central and Southern Italy, Acciaieria Arvedi is able to verticalize its production to meet the needs of retail service.
iltainox Da oltre 50 anni una delle principali realtà nel mercato europeo dei tubi saldati in acciaio inossidabile For more than 50 years one of the most important players on the European stainless ...