In January 2017, German scientists succeeded for the first time in creating a Bose-Einstein condensate in space with the MAIUS 1 experiment (matter wave interferometry in zero gravity). The DLR ...
The DLRK offers participants the oppurtunity to collectively discuss current topics across the entire aerospace industry. A wide range of subjects will be presented in technical sessions and ...
The congress is the central event of the German-speaking aerospace community. As an interdisciplinary event, the DLRK offers all participants an excellent platform to present important findings, ...
Recently, the world of launch vehicle development has become highly dynamic again. Important technical successes are being achieved in rapid succession. Now that Falcon 9 has established itself as a ...
In September, we held the “Mini-Symposium on Tool Support for Developing Highly-Parallel CFD Applications” at ParCFD in Bonn. In wind-tunnel tests, the German Aerospace Center (DLR) has investigated ...
The new and one of a kind luna training environment facility has been opened on 25th September 2024. Our institute is proud to be part of this great endeavor by providing our expertise on spacecraft ...
The field of space research encompasses a variety of specific areas, e.g. in-situ science instruments, air and ground mobility, resource processing and production or probes and landers. From this ...
If a spacecraft is broken down into its main components, it can be broken down into several electronic components - known as avionics in aerospace - algorithms for control, data processing and ...
The first GNSS observations at O'Higgins took place from 1990 to 1993 in the context of campaigns conducted by the Working Group on Geodesy and Geographic Information of the Scientific Committee on ...
The integration laboratory enables the realisation of projects with flight hardware. Depending on the scientific issue with the instruments on board and the destination of the spacecraft, the flight ...
Zukünftige Missionen des Menschen ins All sollen weit über die Internationale Raumstation ISS hinausgehen und auf dem Mond ...
Scheinwerfer werden aus der Halle getragen. Studenten säubern mit Staubsaugern und Pinseln futuristische, weiße Gerätschaften ...