Vous trouverez ci-dessous une foire aux questions sur l'inscription des électeurs aux les élections fédérales au Canada.
We maintain a permanent, continually updated database of Canadians who are qualified to vote in federal elections and referendums called the National Register of Electors. It contains the name, ...
For electors living in Saskatchewan: The upcoming provincial election in Saskatchewan is on October 28, 2024. Please visit Elections SK if you live in Saskatchewan and wish to add your name, correct ...
Talk to us using our new live chat feature! This platform is for general enquiries. Please do not give any personal information like your date of birth, address ...
A federal returning officer is responsible for the delivery and control of federal electoral events within the electoral district to which he or she is appointed.
Eligible electors can apply to vote by special ballot. With a special ballot, you can vote by mail from anywhere in the world. If you live in Canada, you may apply online or at your local Elections ...
Pour les électeurs vivant en Saskatchewan : La prochaine élection provinciale en Saskatchewan aura lieu le 28 octobre 2024. Veuillez consulter le site Web d'Elections SK (en anglais seulement) si vous ...
Les préposés au scrutin travaillent principalement aux lieux de vote, soit là où les électeurs vont voter. Divers postes sont offerts, allant du scrutateur, qui manipule les bulletins de vote, au ...
Before an election, returning officers select their office staff (also known as key staff) but hire staff members only once the election has been called. Office staff handle all the preparations ...
Poll workers work primarily at polling places, that is, where electors go to vote. Various positions are available, from the deputy returning officer, who handles the ballots, to the information ...